Berliner Weiße mit Schuß

Berliner Weiße with a shot was a television series from ZDF. It was produced from 1984 to 1995. Each sequence consisted of several self-contained stories in each of which Günter Pfitzmann took a starring role. Special emphasis was laid on the local color. All episodes (up to a holiday episode ) played in Berlin, many figures spoke with Berlin accent.


Were told entertaining episodes from the lives of the "little people", often with a final punch that should caricature valid values. So a gift of the police, a burglar (played by Pfitzmann ) was in the history of the first episode, kept by the police mistaken for the homeowner so that he could drag the prey away.

Guest Stars

In the series, a lot of well-known actor from Berlin were to be seen in supporting roles, including Edith Hancke, Tilly Lauenstein, Manfred Lehmann, Brigitte Mira, Wilfried Herbst, Edeltraut Elsner, Peter Schiff, Peer Schmidt, Gert Hauke ​​, Gerd Duwner, Wolfgang Gruner and Christina Horn ( actress) in the credits as Christine Horn.


The name Berliner Weiße with a shot refers to the same mixed drink.

DVD Release

Released in 2007, all episodes of the series in a box with six DVDs.
