Bermuda Conference

The Bermuda Conference was a conference during the Second World War. She found between the U.S. and the UK on 19 April 1943 in Hamilton / Bermuda instead. It should be clarified what was with the Jewish refugees who were rescued by the Allied forces happen.

An article in the New York Times on April 30, 1943 stated that the results were rejected by the signatory states of the United Nations Declaration as a hindrance to the war effort. A week later the Zionist Committee has published for a Jewish Army in the New York Times ad. This was against the UN and praised the efforts of the United States by the Jewish people. The Senator Harry S. Truman withdrew his membership from the committee of conference, because he saw the first article in the New York Times as an offense against the United States Senate. When President Truman endorsed the recognition of Israel as a state.
