Bernardo Storace

Bernardo Storace (* 1637, † by 1707) was an Italian composer and organist of the Baroque era.

Life and work

All knowledge about life Storaces comes only from the preface to his 1664 collection published at Venice, under the full title, Selva di varie compositioni d' intavolatura by cimbalo ed organo ove si contengono capricci, e partite sopra various aria, toccate, canzoni, e Recercari, correnti, galliard, balletti ciacone, passagagli sopra varie toni e nel fine una pastoral. Here he poses as Vice- Kapellmeister to the Senate of the city of Messina.

The collection, in which he addressed to the models Girolamo Frescobaldi, consists of numerous variations on familiar melodies and dances of the era, including the Passacaille, Ciacona, Passamezzo, Pastorale, romanesca, as well as on the issues sopra la Spagnoletta and sopra la Monica.
