Berno of Cluny

He was a monk in Saint -Martin d' Autun, then in Baume -les -Messieurs. Due to the possession of his family, he founded the monastery Gigny 890, which he imputed to the Pope immediately. William I, Duke of Aquitaine entrusted him with the founding of a monastery under the same conditions: the Abbey of Cluny.

Berno waived out, however, to create a new monastic rule, but took over - as in the deed of gift of William I desired - the rule of Benedict of Nursia in the form of Benedict of Aniane. However, he realized a merger of previously independent monasteries (among Déols, Marsay and Souvigny ), from which his successor Odo of Cluny, the Cluniac empire was developed.

925 he resigned as abbot of Cluny.

See also: Cluniac reform
