Bersimis-2 generating station



The hydropower plant Bersimis -2 (French Centrale Bersimis -2 ) is a hydroelectric power plant in the Canadian province of Québec. It is located on the Rivière Betsiamites in the region Côte- Nord. The power plant has five Francis turbines and is fed from the nearby Réservoir Bersimis -2. The installed capacity of generators is 869 MW, the drop height of 115.63 meters. Operators of the power plant is the state power company Hydro-Québec.

Bersimis -2 was built between 1956-1959 and is among the first plants that were built by Hydro-Québec (after the company was founded in 1944 were initially existing facilities have been expanded ). Together with the some 30 kilometers upriver Bersimis -1 offered the Hydro-Québec system the opportunity to gain experience in the construction of new power plants. The thereby appropriated expertise formed the basis for much larger projects in northern Quebec in the following decades. A pioneering achievement here was the construction of one of the world's first high-voltage transmission lines with a voltage of 315 kV.
