
Berchar (also Bercharius, Berthechar; † autumn 688 or early 689 ) was the Frankish Meier house in Neustria, succeeding his father Waratto, who died in 686.


After Warattos death occurred on Neustrian court disputes over succession, in which Berchar prevailed. His inferior opponent then went to Pippin the Middle over who moved subsequently against Neustria to the field. Berchars faction was defeated at the Battle of Tertry in Vermandois, the losers fled partly to the nearby abbeys Peronne, and Saint Quentin, the rest, including Berchar and King Theodoric III. , Retreated to Paris. Pippin followed them and joined with them in the city, a peace agreement over whose content is not known, except that Berchar was left in office. It can be assumed that Theuderic and Berchar the opposition faction had to authorize again at court, for a short time after the peace treaty led to renewed disputes between the groups, in the course Berchar was killed at the instigation of his mother Ansfled.

As a consequence of these events Pippin then took over the additional Neustrian house Meier office which he, however, perceived of Austrasia from over his governor Nordilus / North Ebert. Theuderichs position as king, he felt not to. Berchars Anstrudis wife, the daughter of Waratto and Ansfled, married his second wife Drogo, dux of Champagne, the eldest son of Pepin. According to another view, it was Adaltrud, the daughter Anstrudis ' and Berchars, who married Drogo.


  • Liber historiae Francorum. In: Bruno Krusch (ed.): Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum 2: Fredegarii et aliorum Chronica. Vitae sanctorum. Hannover 1888, pp. 215-328 ( Monumenta Historica Germaniae, digitized )
  • Fredegar: Chronicle Online ( lat).