Berthold Wulf

Berthold Wulf ( born July 2, 1926 in Hannover, † June 11, 2012 in Müllheim TG, Switzerland ) was a German priest of the Christian Community, writer and freelance trainer and lecturer in the context of anthroposophy.

Life and work

Berthold Wulf was born as the third son of Bertha, nee Luebke, and Karl Wulf, a musician and conductor, in Hanover. His spent his childhood with his older brother and his twin brother in Hildesheim near Hanover. During this time he wrote his first poems, but which little attention. Abruptly ended this time with the war service he had to compete with 17 years. He survived the invasion of Normandy at the forefront. Opposite end of the war he was on the Eastern Front. Then he met five times in captivity, followed each time by an adventurous escape. After a three-month journey home, he found his home before unscathed and then entered a four -year apprenticeship as a goldsmith.

At age 21, he became a member of the Anthroposophical Society. Actually, he wanted to be a Dominican monk, but was on the Christian community pointed out by a friend, after which he attended the Seminary of The Christian Community in Stuttgart. There he received the priesthood in 1953. He attended some lectures in theology and philosophy at the University of Tübingen. In Stuttgart he met Ingeborg Köhler, whom he married in 1954. In marriage, three sons were born. In 1953 he began in Berlin as a priest to act later in Heidelberg and Zurich, where he practiced his profession until his retirement.

Berthold Wulf held approximately 8,000 lectures in the German-speaking world, especially in Switzerland and southern Germany. The largest part of his oeuvre is poetry, often in terza rima, a wide range of subjects from nature, literature or religion. Main themes of his prose works are poetry and philosophy of Goethe's time and be shaped by anthroposophy understanding of Christianity.

Works (selection)

His literary work is united in a published self-published complete edition; this includes 23 volumes.

Below is a selection of single issues:

  • Idea and love. A consideration of Goethe's "Faust, " Part 2. Mellinger, Stuttgart 1959
  • He has the consolation fountain in his hand. Poems. Tower ( Tower library 10), Bietigheim 1962
  • Behind our hills. Poems. Tower, Bietigheim 1963
  • Melissa. Poems. Tower, Bietigheim 1963
  • Idea and present. 3 chapters to philosophy. Red Rider, Langnau am Albis 1964
  • Idea and thought. Contributions to the understanding of the philosophy of German idealism with special consideration of Kant, Fichte and Hegel. Free spiritual life ( studies and trials 9 ), Stuttgart 1964
  • Doctor Angelicus. Are, Ahrweiler 1964 Revision as Thomas Aquinas. Doctor Angelicus. Free spiritual life, Stuttgart 1982