
As beryllium poisoning of the organism with the metal is called beryllium or beryllium-containing substances. It belongs to the group of malignant pneumoconiosis ( pneumoconiosis ).


A beryllium exposure occurs when workers of berylliumverarbeitenden industries (eg aircraft, Dental laboratories, nuclear power plants) to by inhalation of beryllium dust.


Acute berylliosis

The inhalation of high doses of beryllium leads to the formation of an acute pneumonitis.

Chronic berylliosis

Chronic beryllium disease occurs by inhalation of low doses over a longer period. The pathogenesis based on the formation of an allergy with sensitization of T helper cells.

In the lungs and the adjacent lymph nodes epithelioid granulomas are formed. Rarely, there are induced by beryllium granulomas in the spleen, liver, and adrenal gland. In the further course, there is a fibrosis of the granulomatous changes.

In the radiograph of the chest is irregular, nodular changes of the lungs show. In about half the cases there is an infestation of the lymph nodes at the hilum.

Affected patients suffer from uncharacteristic symptoms such as breathlessness, cough, weight loss and joint pain.


The suspicion of a beryllium disease results from the constellation of symptoms and clinical findings. For reliable diagnosis, a exposure or potential for exposure must be proven in history. In the lung biopsy to find epithelioid granulomas. An allergy test indicates sensitization to beryllium.

The differential diagnosis very difficult to distinguish from chronic beryllium disease is sarcoidosis, which has very similar symptoms and findings.
