Best of Biotech

Best of Biotech ( BOB) is an international business plan competition with a focus on the life sciences (biotechnology, medical technology and related fields), which has been conducted since 2000, about every 1-2 years from LISA ( LISA ). LISA is a program of the Austrian Economic Service, the funding and financing Bank of the Republic of Austria, which supports the development and expansion of life sciences. The competition is co-financed by life science and pharmaceutical companies and is carried out jointly with Austrian and international technology transfer and company start-up centers.


Since the first competition in 2000 211 project teams who participated, 41 companies were founded and 170,000 € in prize money was paid. Among the companies based there are AVIR Green Hills Biotechnology, Oridis Biomed, Protaffin AG or Ugichem.


The competition is divided into two phases: In the first phase, participants submit a business concept. The top three will be awarded with a cash prize. In the second phase of Business Plan with the help of coaches will be developed. The top three will again receive a cash prize. The competition will be held in English and is open to participants from all countries.
