Beylik of Dulkadir

The Dulkadir (also Dulkadiroğulları or Zulkadir ) were an important Beylik in Anatolia from 1337 to 1522 and belonged to the Oghuz tribe Bayat. Their capital city was Elbistan.

They walked under Hasan Bey Dulkadir to Anatolia and came under the influence of the Mamluks. Zeyneddin Ahmet Karaca Bey took part in the campaigns against the Mamluks Lesser Armenia. The Dulkadir occupied the pastures between Maras and Elbistan. From there they spread their reign continues.

The people of the Dulkadir sat mainly composed of the Oghuz tribes Bayat, Afşar and Begdili. To which this group were the rulers of the Dulkadir is uncertain. The Beylik was founded in the region Maras and Elbistan and spread until after Kırşehir and Mosul. They ruled Maras, Kayseri, Elazig, Antep, Malatya and Adiyaman. The Dulkadir were related to the Ottomans and marriage. Later they were caught in the conflict between the Ottomans and the Mamluks of Egypt. With the conquest of Egypt by the Ottoman Sultan Selim I the Dulkadir 1522 were a part of the Ottoman Empire.


The Dulkadir left behind some buildings. These include mosques, madrasas, Turbe, bridges and fortifications. Some of the buildings are:

  • Alaüddevle Bey Cami in Elbistan in the year 1501
  • Ümmet Baba Camii in Elbistan from the year 1500
  • Alaüddevle Bey Camii in Antep
  • Ulu Cami and Bagdadiye Medresesi in Maras
  • Ulu Cami in Adiyaman
  • Hatuniye Medresesi in Kayseri
  • Balim Sultan Turbe at Hacıbektaş
  • A bridge on the road from Kayseri to Sivas

Except for the ruler Sehsuvar Bey none of Dulkadir had their own mint coins because they were vassals of Mamluks and Ottomans, and used their currencies.



  • History of Dulkadir (Turkish )
  • Beylik
  • Muslim dynasty