Bible college

The Bible school is a training center for church, especially free church workers in the church and mission service. They are usually characterized by an evangelical theology. Many Bible schools also offer courses for interested laymen. State regulations, procedures, entry requirements for their courses or degrees, there is not; However, many Bible Students in Germany are eligible for the federal financial aid. The financial statements are numerous - recognized Christian communities, but make a few exceptions, no state-approved education dar. - usually evangelical aligned


The historical roots of the Bible schools are located in the revival movements of the 19th century. They arose from the need to advance the Outer and Inner Mission by practical- theological trained forces. The revival movements had spawned numerous new churches, community groups as well as social and missionary work at home and abroad. The associated growth of tasks could no longer meet the pastors of the various Protestant churches. In the German -speaking region, it was Christian Friedrich Spittler, who called 1840 St. Chrischona the first Bible school as a " missionary and evangelist school" to life. 1886 followed by the establishment of the Wuppertal Johanneums. Since then, many other Bible schools have emerged that have established depending on the orientation and focal point of various umbrella organizations. These umbrella organizations include:

  • Conference missionary training centers
  • Conference Bible- training centers
  • Training centers and Bible schools in Gnadauer Association

Theological orientation

Bible schools often have no close denominational orientation. Many of these schools are organized as so-called " public domain ". However, they have in common is a strong commitment to the Bible, in all teaching and life issues has absolute authority for them. Some Bible colleges have also developed in this context, a strong apologetic orientation. The central practical- theological question of the modern Bible schools is: How do we reach people with the gospel church distanced?

Bible education

Studying at a Bible school usually lasts between three and five years, but there are also Bible schools that offer shorter periods of study in the form of one year and prepare financial statements, respectively after one year. Numerous internships and participation in national or free churches during the study belong to the permanent training program. The theological training usually includes the subjects of Bible studies, exegesis, theology of the Old and New Testaments, dogmatics, ethics, homiletics, pastoral care, church history, denominational and Missiology, Evangelism, psychology and pedagogy. In addition to the compulsory subject " New Testament Greek " is often also offered as an optional subject in Hebrew.

Special short seminars are invited to the most and interested visitors from outside, deal with current issues and contemporary trends.

The Bible school is oriented to the needs of practical community work. But His concern is with all the practical approach to guide the Bible student to become an independent biblical- theological thought and practice. Many theological institutions make this type of studies as a learning and living community. Students and teachers often live on the same site; to intense encounter and shared spiritual life during the training period, great emphasis is placed.

Special target groups

In poor countries, or circumstances, Christians can not attend Bible schools. As a substitute will be offered with different levels of educational attainment and target audience of different organizations Bible correspondence courses.

Bible correspondence courses are also used for evangelistic purposes in order to win people to faith in Jesus Christ. So offers in the U.S., the organization Crossroad Bible Institute CBI among others also evangelistic distance courses for prisoners. This can include information for reintegration into society are offered to reduce the recidivism rate. At the CBI program worldwide take part 42'000 people.
