
The Bieszczady National Park ( [b ʲ ɛʃʧadɨ ]; poln Bieszczadzki Park Narodowy ) was established in 1973 in the south of the Carpathians. The National Park with an area of over 29,000 hectares of the largest Polish Mountain National Park. In the partially deserted region, many rare animals have their retreat. There live wolves, brown bear, Eurasian lynx, European wildcat, red deer and wild boar, but also again in 1963 ausgewilderte bison. A total of 58 mammal species and 144 bird species were recorded, including eagle owl, Ural owl, white-backed woodpecker, black stork, corncrake and lesser spotted eagle.

The park is crossed designated trails with a total length of 206 km. On the edge of the national park, there are also accommodations. In the 650 meter high place Ustrzyki Górne the management of the National Park has its seat here and run some trails together.

The Bieszczady National Park is part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1992 created the Eastern Carpathians.

18,554 ha in the core zone of the national park have the status of "wilderness partner " in the network of European Wildlife sanctuaries in the PAN Parks Foundation.
