Big Timber, Montana

Sweet Grass County


The place is located in Big Timber Sweet Grass County, in the U.S. state of Montana and has 1650 inhabitants ( 2000). Big Timber is conveniently favorable in the large Interstate 90, halfway between the cities of Billings and Bozeman. The town is the county seat ( county seat ) of the Sweet Grass County.

Originally founded was the place of members of the Lewis and Clark expedition under the name Rivers Across, since the Boulder River empties into the Yellowstone River. The modern name of Big Timber was elected to the environment because of the many large cottonwood trees ( poplars ). The place also has a certain touristic importance, as the Yellowstone National Park ( 80 km south) and can be easily reached from there.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Judy Martz, January 2, 2001 to January 3, 2005 Governor of the U.S. state of Montana