Bijela gora


Gora view of the Bijela

Bijela gora ( German: White Mountains) is a 90 km ² large plateau in Orjen Mountains on the border of Montenegro to Bosnia and Herzegovina. It lies at an altitude of 1200 up to 1500 m above sea level. The Bijela gora is continuous from the up to 350 m high and very steep 17-km alpine ridges of the Pazua (1656 m), Reovačka greda (1789 m) and Jastrebica limited (1862 m) to the south. To the north and east of the Bijela gora ends at the Einebnungen the poljes of Grahovo and Dragalj.

Significant glacial deposits and vast forests with high steep karst walls of the Bijela gora Orjens make it a popular hunting and hiking area.


The Bijela gora is a vast, glacially -formed karst plateau and type locality of the landscape form of the Glaziokarstes. During the ice age developed on the Bijela gora a continuous plateau glacier of about 50 km ². In addition to two glacial praising four other glacier tongues were developed on the north and east sides, reaching to the poljes of Grahovo and Dragalj. A glacier originating in the Pazua handed into even in the Polje of Dragalj. As the first Jovan Cvijić described the huge moraine of this glacier former: " A glacier from the vast glacial accumulation area of Pazua handed down to the bottom of the Dragalj poljes. The terminal moraine runs from Polje from stair-like and can be traced for several kilometers. It is 140 m high and consists of limestone and coarse Kalkstücken, among which many are angular and sharp. On the moraine consists of a huge fluvio-glacial alluvial fan; Gravel and sand covered almost the entire floor of the village Dragalj in the NO to the village Paljkovca in SW. Here they mix with the fluvio-glacial alluvial fan of another glacier that came down from the highest mountain of the Orjens after Dvrsno and stopped above the Poljenrandes. "


The only brown bears of Orjen Mountains have survived in the forests of the Bijela gora. Chamois can be observed on the inaccessible ridges of the Reovacka greda and Jastrebica. In winter, golden eagle set.


