BIKINI state

The BIKINI state was an indicator for the current state of military threat in the United Kingdom (analogous to DEFCON in the U.S.), which was used by the British government. It was intended for internal use by the military, police and other authorities. This system is no longer used and has been replaced by the more general UK Threat Levels. According to the UK Ministry of Defence, the word bikini was randomly selected by a computer.


The Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom used it to warn of non-specific war or terrorist activities. It was in addition to the tesseral system used, the use against specific threats posed by terrorists, the ground - to-air missiles and / or air defense, warned. The scale was also used by the Royal Correctional Service in England and Wales.

The BIKINI Alert levels have been attached in the form of signs at the entrance of authorities and military facilities. Similarly, the DEFCON Alert System of the United States, however, the BIKINI Alert levels were imposed by the relevant authority or military authority, not like DEFCON nationwide. The highest levels of alarm are RED (red ) and AMBER ( amber ), but were imposed only on a temporary basis.

Meet The same terms also apply to the tesseral alarm system levels, but these are granted at a special Air Force threat.

Former alarm levels
