Bilen people

The Bilen or Blin ( alternative name: Bogo, Bilayn, Bilin, Balen, Beleni, Belen, Bilein, Bileno, or North Agaw ) are a hamitisches pastoral people from the north of Abyssinia located, about 1200 meter high plateau and mountain country, which until 16 1/2 ° north latitude extends to classifying and here in terraces, on the east slopes steeply to the coastal plain and descends in the west to the plane Barka.

They are 50-55 % Sunni Muslims and the rest are predominantly Catholic Christians.

The main river of the country is the Anseba (Ain - Saba ) flowing in northern and north-western direction and unites with the flowing toward the north choir - Barka.

The country has a rich flora and fauna, huge baobab trees, sycamores and tamarinds, rhinoceroses, elephants, buffalo, antelope and wild boar, even lions, leopards, wild cats, wolves, jackals, hyenas, snakes and turtles. The climate is among the mildest and most pleasant in Africa; the wet season occurs twice, but only lasts two months.

The Bilen are first through the Swiss Werner Munzinger ( 1855-1860 ) and the East African expedition under Theodore of Heuglin (1861 ) as well as through the journey of Duke Ernst of Coburg -Gotha (1862 ) become better acquainted.
