
As a billboard or English billboard refers to a for the purpose of advertising in public spaces used or built for vertical wall surface. Thus they belong to the so-called outdoor advertising. Billboards are both at entry and exit roads ( freeways ) and within the cities erected. Forerunner of the billboard has for centuries been the painted backdrop wall behind the theater stage and the large-format film poster of the cinema.


For reasons of standardization of regional differences in standard formats have become accepted as the advertising posters. Depending on the provider billboards under various English product names are marketed in Austria as " Megaboard " (8.00 m × 5.00 m ) or " centerboard " (10.00 m × 4.78 m), but also " bigboard ".

Billboards are used in various publications under the category of outdoor advertising, the listed " special advertising " and the " Billboard ".

In addition to classic 18/1-Großflächen and 40/1-Superpostern also developed the so-called giant posters ( blow-ups ) that can no longer be needed to billboards with up to 4,000 m² of space, but often cover entire buildings. Means Frontlit tissues, it is possible to print Bauplanen multi-storey facade scaffolding with advertising graphics. It is advertised in some cases even for the emerging behind the scaffolding structure with a 1:1 simulation of the proposed facade design " in their own right ." In urban particular importance, house-high scaffolding is erected on the site where the architecture of the new building is simulated by means of printed Plan for the purpose of self-promotion before the start of a building project.

One reason for the increasing size of the areas on the one hand that the perception is constantly flooded in our mobile society of new visual stimuli and only the biggest, most colorful still has a chance to be registered, and on the other hand inevitably due to the increasing size of the area also increases the distance of the passers-by (recipient ) to her and consequently the poster turn a certain minimum size required to be recognized at all.

United States

In the United States billboards are often greater than in Germany. They are there mounted on tall buildings or rods so that they are visible from afar. For Billboard design there is a long tradition.


Since 1 January 2007, the Billboard is prohibited in the city of São Paulo in order to prevent the misuse of public space through advertising.
