
The Bioscope was a projection apparatus of the brothers Skladanowsky, which used 54 mm film with two film loops.


The first performances were in 1895 in the local " Feldschlößchen " in the Berliner Straße 27 in Berlin- Pankow place and showed scenes that were previously recorded in the garden of the restaurant. In the ballroom of the restaurant 's first cinema was opened in Berlin, the Tivoli. On November 1, 1895, the brothers Skladanowsky their films exhibited in the conservatory in Berlin following the variety program for the first time. This demonstration is considered the first commercial movie screening in the history of the movie theater. On the same day was issued a patent for an "Apparatus for intermittently advancing the image band for photographic series " Max Skalanowsky by the Imperial Patent Office.


The brothers Skladanowsky it was not possible to record image sequences at a uniform distance. Mainly was because of the lack of perforation of their 54 - mm film. They photographed scenes with their " crank case" and mounted alternately to Positive from Negative Blank film. This was glued together to form endless loops and finally perforated by hand with a rivet gun. The Bioscope is a projector according to the duplex.

The technique was limited to playing a maximum of 24 frames and did not sit down for obvious reasons by.


As part of the plans for the rehabilitation and re-starting the Tivoli cinema to mark the 100-year anniversary of the Bioscope premiere several souvenirs were created in the invention of film pioneers Max and Eugene Skladanowsky in Berlin- Pankow. Although the Tivoli was demolished contrary to the original plans, the souvenirs are preserved.

Before the former site of Feldschlößchens and Tivoli in the Berliner Straße 27 is located today on the sidewalk a mosaic stripe with the words " 1895 bioskop 1995 '. The first films of the Bioskops are shown in oversize as a filmstrip on house walls of the building Mill Road 12 and 15. Located on the corner Beautifully Allee - chestnut avenue in the district of Prenzlauer Berg, another mosaic stripes with the words " Trick of Light ". Already in 1892 the brothers Skladanowsky standing nearby on the roof of the house Beautifully Allee 146, and tried to make film images of the environment with their self-built apparatus.


In the former Yugoslavia and the Netherlands ( bioscoop ) has " Bioscope " naturalized as a standard term for the word cinema.
