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Biosemiotics is an interdisciplinary science that studies the biological processes with the help of semiotics and life as a biological characters and understand communication processes.

Term and discipline concept developed since the early 1970s in Germany, Erstbeleg the term name in 1962. Thure von Uexküll ( 1908-2004 ) sought his father, the renowned theoretical biologist Jakob von Uexküll ( 1864-1944 ) to anchor in the semiotic field. Whose work (in particular ) were of the perception physiology and subjective perception of animals outside the usual teaching, but were consistently professional and non- professional stimulating in their implementation and the almost encyclopedic amount of material. Thure von Uexküll wrote a fundamental contribution in the first volume of the Journal of Semiotics (1979 ), which sought to enforce the semiotics in the German language area as a coherent science. The University of Hamburg has in collaboration with the Jakob von Uexküll Centre in Tartu (Estonia ) and the grandson of Carl Wolmar Uexküll Jakob von Uexküll, the founder of the Alternative Nobel Prize, the Jakob von Uexküll archive for Environmental Research and biosemiotics.

Thomas Sebeok had Coming more and more concerned by the linguistics and the language of non-human beings. In this time talks and papers on artistic creation of nesting birds or forming human- dog communication. However, the questions evoked also biochemists and geneticists. Issues of information generation and transmission in busy bodies, the encoding and transmission of genetic information call so formally for signs theories. The biologist Joachim Schult works from his field of research with spiders Coming for the semiotic turn of biology. Kalevi Kull the new biosemiotics center in Tartu writes the history of the discipline without fear of contact with neo- vitalism.

The biosemiotics is no counterpart to the conventional paradigm of biology, but rather an inter -discipline, instructed contribute to the requests and in stock Empirien from the natural sciences, but then capable, often quite unexpected frame and methods. However, the integrative perspective on life in convivial intent ( Jeff Bernard ) is over all questions of method, a research, intelligence, even life - interest, for the majority who wants to stand up to biosemiotics involved.
