Bird food

Bird food is feeding or feeding of birds. It is between bird food for wild birds - see winter feeding - and kept as a pet or zoo animal birds to distinguish.

Bird Food is one of the distribution channels of the dreaded considered allergenic ragweed. Therefore, the consumer magazine Ökotest recommends to refrain from feeding to wild birds.

Many bird seed mixtures contain hemp seeds to get the feathers and the bird altogether healthy. Thanks to the intervention of the bird food manufacturers before the U.S. Congress, where they protested: "Without cannabis seeds the birds will not sing ", an exemption in the United States was achieved, which makes it possible to mix sterilized hemp seeds. Addition of certain seeds is essential for certain birds such as canaries, to ensure an adequate supply of essential fatty acids. In particular, the unique combination of linoleic acid, linolenic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and some other acids is essential for bird health critical.

In zoos, the institutes provide mostly together your own feed mixtures that are optimized for the respective species.

Private bird owners on the other hand usually acquire food that is industrially prefabricated. The manufacturers make the claim that these mixtures actually provide optimal power. For most parrot species, there are no accurate research results, in what quantities and ratios they take their vital ingredients in the diet. Therefore, it is important to have the opportunity to provide the birds with a varied range to meet their needs as well as possible.

There are separate mixes for, among other things:

  • Parrots and parakeets
  • Budgie
  • Precious parakeets
  • Cockatiel
  • Finches ( feed grains such as sunflower seeds, animal rearing of the young food like meal worms and ant pupae )
  • Mynah
  • Various exotics,