
The bird watching is a practical branch of Ornithology ( Avian Research ), are mostly observed in the birds with the help of binoculars at long distances even with a spotting scope and determines the type, age and gender. Is there a digital camera for documentation used, this is called digiscoping. Birds can also be determined only on the basis of their song or other vocalizations. A provision on the tracks of birds, such as nests, feathers and Gewölle, on the other hand is usually reserved for the expert.

In addition to extensive knowledge about the biology of birds birders (English Birdwatcher ) needs above all experience in bird identification. Basic knowledge you gained through the study of the numerous bird identification books, listening to birdsong recordings and by participating in guided tours with experienced birdwatchers. These are usually organized in conservation organizations. Meanwhile, there are also kits for the PC and DVD player, imagine the birds in picture and sound, which further facilitates the learning of its diagnostic characters.

If the bird observation data are collected for the purposes of research or of nature protection, also referred to as mapping, inventory or monitoring. Amateur observers have many avenues of participation here.

The sporty version of the Vogelbeobachtens is called " twitching " or spotting.

The world's most successful Twitcherin was Phoebe Snetsinger who could observe between 1965 and her death in 1999, about 8,400 species of birds and it received an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.
