Bishop Castle

38.06145 - 105.09440833333Koordinaten: 38 ° 3 ' 41 "N, 105 ° 5' 40 " W

Bishop Castle started as a family project in the Wet Mountains in South Colorado. There, in the San Isabel National Forest near Rye, is named after its builder Jim Bishop Castle is located right on State Highway 165, the (21 km) further north excels at McKenzie Junction on State Highway 96 about 13 miles. The road is part of the Frontier Pathways Scenic and Historic Byway and Bishop Castle is listed on the official map.

Bishop acquired the property when he was 15 years old for $ 1,250. In 1969 he began the construction of a family cottage, which he lined with stones. Neighbors found that the shape of the building resembled a castle. Bishop considered this in the further construction and so he built over the years his castle made ​​of granite stone, steel and cement. Since there are neither plans nor permits, Bishop had learned to master numerous confrontations with the authorities.

Bishop Castle is open during the day all year round for tours. Admission is free, but donations are requested. Some even painted signs warn visitors that they enter the castle at your own risk, others remind you that Jim Bishop built the castle all alone by hand.

Pictures of Bishop Castle
