Bitare language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Benue - Congo Bantoide languages Südbantoide languages Tivoide languages


The language Bitare (ISO 639-3: brt; njwande and yukutare also called ) is a tivoide language that is gesprochwn of a total of 52.330 people.

Most speakers live in Nigeria - a total of 46,300 in the state taraba in the Sardauna LGA. u državi Taraba, Lokalna samouprava Sardauna. In addition, 6,030 speakers live ( as of 2000) in the Cameroon Adamawa Province.

The language is related to the Abon [ abo ]. However, the speaker speak more and more English and French as their mother tongue.

Pictures of Bitare language
