Bjørg Vik

Bjørg Vik ( born September 11, 1935 in Oslo) is a Norwegian writer and playwright who has influenced the women's movement and feminist literature in Norway prevail.

Life and work

Bjørg Vik visited in 1955, the journalism academy and then worked for five years at the newspaper " Dagbladet Porsgrunn ". In 1963, she debuted with the book Søndag ettermiddag (Sunday afternoon). It contains stories about " women's lives that are often told from the perspective of another woman, which applies initially little understanding of such fates, begins gradually but contre cœur to show solidarity with them."

1971, Vik co-founder of the women's magazine " Siren ", which in Norway formed a feminist alternative to the usual weekly magazines until 1983.

Vik wrote numerous plays, among others To akter for fem kvinner ( Two acts for five women). The piece is characterized primarily by the discussions of the five friends who tell each other their lives, the author illustrates the frustrations and missed expectations of women. It should also bring straight men an awareness of the situation of women. The piece was discussed intensively not only by women's groups and was very successful in Norway; it was filmed for television in 1976 and was also performed in other countries.

As one of their best works in 1972 published anthology Kvinneakvariet counts ( The Women's aquarium). In their theme Vik

"Feminine crisis situations in various stages of life and the search for an adequate form of life, gender conflict has receded into the background. "

Vik lives in Porsgrunn. She is married and has three children. She was nominated three times for the most important writer award from the Northern European countries, the Literature Prize of the Nordic Council. Her works have been translated into numerous languages.


Norwegian original editions

  • Søndag ettermiddag ( stories ), 1963
  • NoDrop fra en Mycenaean sofa ( stories ), 1966
  • Ferie ( radio play ), 1967
  • Det grådige hjerte ( stories ), 1968
  • Ridge, elskede man (novel ), 1979
  • Kvinneakvariet ( stories ), 1972
  • To akter for fem kvinner ( Acting ), 1974
  • Hooray, det ble en pike ( Acting ), 1974
  • Fort Ellinger om frihet ( stories ), 1975
  • Sorgenfri: fem pictures om kjærlighet ( Acting ), 1978
  • En håndfull Lengsel ( stories ), 1979
  • Det trassige Håp ( radio play ), 1981
  • He Snart det høst ( stories ), 1982
  • Fribillett til Soria Moria ( Acting ), 1984
  • En gjenglemt petunia ( stories ), 1985
  • Sma nøkler, store rome (novel ), 1988
  • Vinterhagen ( Acting ), 1990
  • Poplene på St. Hans Haugen (novel ), 1991
  • Til Venezia Travel ( Acting ), 1992
  • The long veien til et annet menneske ( stories ), 1993
  • Elsi Lund (novel ), 1994
  • I Roser et sprukket krus (novel ), 1998
  • Old kvinner tilgir ( Acting ), 1999
  • Salong Saratustra ( Acting ), 2001
  • Forholdene tatt i betraktning ( stories ), 2002
  • Søndag ettermiddag ( Acting ), 2003

German -language editions

  • Five women. From the Norwegian by Bernd Haustein. Bloch, Berlin 1975
  • The fish in the net. Narratives. From the Norwegian by Udo Birckholz. Hinstorff, Rostock 1979.
  • The woman Aquarium. From the Norwegian by Michael Bartsch. Scandica -Verlag, Bochum 1980, ISBN 3-88473-007- X.
  • Time of Roses. Novel. From the Norwegian by Christel Hildebrandt. Fischer -Taschenbuch -Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2001. ISBN 3-596-15011-6.

