Black Knight (rocket)

Black Knight was a British test rocket. It was built by Saunders -Roe in one - and two-stage versions. The single-stage Black Knight was 10.2 m long and had a diameter of 91 cm. This rocket, which weighed at the start of 5.4 t could reach a height of 800 km. It was 1958 and 1959 from Woomera, inter alia, for re-entry tests started.

In addition there existed a two-stage Black Knight, which used a Cuckoo -IB with a specific impulse of 360 kNs as a starting stage. This missile was 11.6 m long and weighed at the start of 6.35 t. A later version used the Cuckoo -2 with a specific impulse of 360 kNs as starting stage. The two-stage Black Knight was started 1960-1965 fifteen times in Woomera.
