Black squirrel monkey

Dark Squirrel Monkey ( Saimiri vanzolinii )

The Dark Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey or Vanzolini - ( Saimiri vanzolinii ) is a primate of the group of New World monkeys. It is closely related to the Bolivian squirrel monkeys and is sometimes regarded as the subspecies.


Dark Squirrel monkeys are like any squirrel monkeys relatively small primates, they reach an average length of 32 centimeters, which must be added an about 41 centimeters long tail comes. The weight is about 0.7 to 1.1 kg, the males are larger and heavier than the females. The coat is short and dense, it is black gray and yellowish - white on the belly on the back, legs and feet are orange - yellow. The top of the rounded head is black, the region around the eyes is whitish as with all squirrel monkeys.

Distribution and habitat

Dark Squirrel monkeys live only in a very small area in the Amazon basin in Brazil. Its distribution area is located in the region where the Japurá flows into the Amazon. Their habitat are temporarily flooded woods near the river.

Way of life

Little is known about the life of the Dark squirrel monkeys, probably agrees with that of the other squirrel monkeys match. Consequently, they are diurnal and usually stay on in the trees. Squirrel monkeys live in large, mixed groups of numerous males and females, feeding primarily on fruits and insects.


The range of the species is located in a conservation area, where hunting is prohibited, but occur deforestation. Due to their small living space, the IUCN lists the species as endangered ( vulnerable ).
