Blackish stingray

Dasyatis navarrae, originally navarrae Trygon is a Stechrochenart and lives in the northwestern Pacific Ocean off the coasts of mainland China and Taiwan.


Dasyatis navarrae reaches a slice width of 38 cm and a length of up to 94 cm. It has a diamond-shaped pectoral fin disk, which is slightly wider than long, and runs to the sides in tight curves, towards the muzzle at an acute triangle. The whip-like tail bears a single sting. The top is chocolate brown, the underside is off-white.

Way of life

The Ray lives in the Gulf of Bohai and the Yellow and East China Sea on the coasts and in estuaries, such as the Yellow River. Little is known about his life. He is probably ovoviviparous, like most species of the genus. He is frequently eingebrachtet as by-catch of beam-trawl fishermen and markets, especially in China, but is considered inferior. Stock figures are virtually no result, its conservation status is assessed by the IUCN with DD (data deficit ).
