Blashenwell Farm Pit

50.623902777778 - 2.0692194444444Koordinaten: 50 ° 37 ' 26 " N, 2 ° 4' 9 " W

The 11.4 hectare area Blashenwell Farm Pit is located north of the manor house Blashenwell farm in the county of Dorset in England. It was declared in 1985 to an area of special scientific interest ( also site of Special Scientific Interest ). Scientifically valuable is a tuff deposit that was formed during the Flandriums. It contains fossils of mollusks, as well as archaeological remains and forms a long, uninterrupted digestion.

Blashenwell Farm is located south of Corfe Castle, between Kingston and Church Knowle. The western part of the site is currently used as acreage for corn.
