
Blecher or Blöcher is a German family name.

  • 4.1 form Blecher
  • 4.2 Form Blöcher

Origin and Meaning

The name " Blecher " comes from the family professional surname of the metalworking industry and the manufacturers of articles made from sheet metal. The oldest forms of this family are Klemperer and Klemper (t). Elsewhere developed for the same profession in the 17th century include the name and plumbers Tinsmiths.


Generally, the surname is particularly common in Hesse and North Rhine -Westphalia. The other names of the professional surname family are distributed as follows:

  • Spengler: 2925 phone book entries throughout Germany
  • Klemp (t ) ner: 54 phone book entries throughout Germany


In total there are 411 phone book entries with the name Blecher, which corresponds to about 1096 people. The largest absolute and relative distribution can be found in the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein followed by the Lahn- Dill-Kreis and the Wetterau district with 88 phone book entries. Furthermore, 40 percent of " Blechers " in North Rhine -Westphalia and Hesse about 38 percent to distribute.


In total there are 420 phone book entries with the name Blöcher, which corresponds to about 1120 people. The largest absolute and relative distribution is given followed by the district of Siegen -Wittgenstein and the Lahn- Dill-Kreis with 140 phone book entries in Marburg- Biedenkopf. Furthermore, 57 percent of " Blöchers " in Hesse and North Rhine -Westphalia 25 percent to distribute.


  • Blöcher, Schmidt plate, sheet, Blocher

Well-known bearers of the name

Form Blecher

  • M. Blecher (1909-1938), Romanian writer
  • Peter Blecher (1934-2008), German sports shooter

Form Blöcher

  • Elsa Blöcher (1900-1995), German historian
  • Stefan Blöcher (* 1960), German field hockey player