Bloody Night

As Lisbon Blutnacht ( in Portuguese: a noite sang renta - the bloody night), the events of the night went on 19 October 1921 in the Portuguese history, as in a bloody uprising António Joaquim Granjo government was overthrown.

On the night of October 19, 1921 in Lisbon banded troops of the Republican National Guard and Marine units together to overthrow the government. Occasion were plans by Prime Minister Granjo, one of his predecessors, the captain Liberato Pinto, who enjoyed the support of the National Guard, to prosecute for corruption. The uprising led to a wave of anarchy and violence in the capital, armed gangs broke into the homes of many leading politicians. Prime Minister Granjo was murdered. The background of the assassination of the Prime Minister are not clearly clarified. The Lisbon Blutnacht is considered a low point in the political development of the first republic in Portugal.

Besides Prime Minister Granjo came António Maria de Azevedo Machado Santos, a military that was in the revolution of 5 October 1910 which led to the abolition of the monarchy in Portugal, had played a prominent role, and therefore worshiped as " founder of the Republic " in the Lisbon Blutnacht killed.
