
As Bloop noise was named, was repeatedly registered and recorded in summer 1997 by sonar equipment in the Pacific Ocean. The source of this noise is unknown, the place of origin is west of South America in the range of 50 ° S, 100 ° W - 50-100 suspected.

The sound was first heard by the equipment of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean autonomous hydrophone array of the U.S. Navy, which had been originally built for the discovery of Soviet submarines.

The scientists, who have the phenomenon originally studied, speculated that it most likely to fit the sounds of an animal. However, to date, no organism is known which can produce a sound that strength and range. They therefore started from a very large animal that would be greater than all known whales and squid.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA) suspected as the cause of the noise, the cracking and the subsequent breakup of a large iceberg. Similar noises could be assigned to the beginning of 2008 the collapse of the iceberg A53a near South Georgia.

Bloop in the literature

  • In the novel The Swarm by Frank Schätzing the origin of the noise is ( there called Scratch) attributed to the intelligent, maritime race of Yrr.
  • Since the coordinates of the recording place of the fictitious, created by HP Lovecraft in 1926 underwater ruins - city of R'lyeh lie about 2,000 km to the west, is said to rest Cthulhu in, the sound of Lovecraft fans this gigantic, kopffüßlerartigen God is attributed with a wink.