Blue Springs (Alabama)

Barbour County


Blue Springs is a town in Barbour County, Alabama, United States. According to the census of 2000 Blue Springs had 121 inhabitants, according to an estimate from 2005, there were 118 The town has a total area of 7.5 km ².


According to the census of 2000 Blue Springs had 121 inhabitants, distributed among 49 households, and 35 families. The population density was 16.2 inhabitants per km ². 99.17 % of the population were white, 0.83% African American. In 28.6 % of households were living children under 18 years. The average income per household was $ 38,000, 4.3% of the population were below the poverty line.


Website of the U.S. Census Bureau

  • Location in Alabama
  • Location in North America
  • Barbour County ( Alabama)