Blue-winged Parakeet

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Male pigeons parakeet

The pigeons Parakeet ( Psittacula columboides ), also called Blaugeflügelter parakeet is a parrot species occurring in the West Indies from the kind of precious parakeet (Psittacula ). They inhabit the western coast of Bombay, to the province of Kerala in the south of the country.


The pigeons parakeet reached a size of 37 cm. The cocks have a bluish - gray head, which is encircled by a black and a bluish- green collar. In addition, the males have longer tail feathers with a dark blue top and a yellow underside. The hens are inconspicuous with its grayish - green head, which is comprised of a lightweight black necklace. The beak is different for males and females. The upper beak of the male is bright red, the lower beak is black. The females have a black upper and lower beak. The iris of parrots is bright yellow with the roosters in the hen he is not quite as pronounced.


The pigeons parakeets live in the hot lowlands or hilly terrain, they are found at an altitude up to 1500 meters. If the swarms of pigeons parakeets meet Plum-headed parakeets, they socialize with them and fly around together in larger troops. One finds this parakeets in rubber or coffee plantations, but their great passion is the 18 m large Indian coral tree. This particularly high trees with their bright red flowers and the nectar are staggering them.


The breeding season of birds parakeets begins in the winter months and usually lasts until January. They are cavity nesters and lay 3-4 eggs in their nests. After about 23 days, the chicks hatch, they leave the nest then for the first time after 49 days and are already two weeks later independently. The juveniles have a gray- green plumage and black neck ring is not pronounced correctly. The very young birds parakeets have a pale orange-red beak, which turns black after about 6 weeks. Just by the hens, the beak is black, the cocks get after 5-6 months slowly a red upper beak.

