Bluntnose stingray

Dasyatis say

Dasyatis say is a Stechrochenart and lives off the coasts of the western Atlantic between Massachusetts and Venezuela.


Dasyatis say has a diamond-shaped pectoral fin disc slightly wider than long, rounded on the sides and expires pointed at the snout at a shallow angle. It reaches a wheel width 78 cm, females are larger than males. The tail is whip-like and one and a half times as long as the disc. On the upper side of the tail he carries one or two poisonous sting. The top of the disc is gray-brown, red-brown or green-brown, sometimes with bluish spots or a narrow white border. The underside is off-white, sometimes with darker spots or a darker edge of the disk.

Way of life

The Ray lives in bays, lagoons and estuaries near the bottom at depths 1-10 m. At night it hunts crustaceans, annelid worms, clams, snails, and fish bones. During the day he usually digs in at the bottom. He is ovoviviparous and pairs between April and June. It was not until the following spring the females give birth to their young after a gestation period of 11 and 12 months to the world.
