Board (Bridge)

A board is a card game Bridge, a container with 4 compartments, each containing 13 cards for 4 players. Boards are used, because at Bridge tournaments the same distribution is successively played at multiple tables of different players.

Each board is identified by the board number. When multiple boards of the same number in use in a passageway of a tournament, they typically also contain the same distribution. The compartments are marked with North, South, East and West. Which player acts as a divider is also written on the board as well as the risk situation: Red marks indicate the players who are in danger. The assignment of board number on the one hand and dividers and dangerous situation on the other hand is determined by the Tournament Bridge rules ( § 2).

There are essentially two types of boards: those that can be folded up for transport as a pencil case, and those made ​​of hard plastic or metal, in which a ridge prevents the cards from falling out of the compartments. The cards will need to be bent slightly to remove it from the tray. Among the hard boards, there are those whose top is hinged. When open, they fit into a duplicating machine and can be filled there automatically.

Since there is no German word for board, the English word is used in the German language everywhere.

Pictures of Board (Bridge)
