Bodil Awards

The Bodil ( Bodilprisen ) is the oldest Danish Film Award. It is awarded annually in a grand gala in Copenhagen since 1948 and is aimed primarily at Danish productions. In contrast to the aligned by the Danish Film Academy Robert Film Festival it is awarded by the Association of Film Critics.

The film award was introduced in order to provide pan-European attention of the emerging postwar Danish film industry. For the first time Bodil was awarded on April 29, 1948 in Copenhagen Nobel Ambassadeur restaurant. The prize is named after the actress and director Bodil Ipsen Bodil Kjer and actress.

2014 was the 67th ceremony on February 1 place in Copenhagen Bremen Teater.


Awards will be awarded in the following eight major categories:

In addition to these awards, there are also three awarded at irregular intervals Prices - the Johan Ankerstjernes Fotografpris (named after the Danish cinematographer Johan Ankerstjerne ) for outstanding cinematography, the special price Bodil særpriser for special achievements in other cinematic fields and the honorary prize Årets Saer Lifetime Achievement.

Pictures of Bodil Awards
