Body hygiene kit

A toiletry bag is a small container for storage of sanitary articles, such as utensils for nail care nail file and nail scissors.

The term is only since the mid-20th century in use. Other common terms for the culture bags are bags, beach bag, wash bag, wash bag and toilet bag. In German-speaking Switzerland, in large parts of Austria and the Rhineland The older term toiletry bag or necesers ( [ neße'ßä: r], of French nécessaire for "necessary" ) is common. This term is sometimes also used for small containers for sewing kit. In Russian, to Nesesser ( Несессер ) has established itself as a loanword. Use airlines for distributed free of charge to passengers Kulturbeutel preferred the terms amenity kit or amenity bag instead of the usual names in English such as body hygiene kit, toilet bag or travel kit.
