Boilerplate (text)

A text block is a text fragment that is a recurring use. The term is used both in word processing as well as in linguistics with different meanings.

In word processing, a text block is a ready-made text that is inserted into another text. Within an Office package can be accessed via a short name. Another word for text module is AutoText entry. In addition, there are special programs that manage text modules and provide system-wide. Text modules save repetitive typing of similar phrases, for example in the form of automated responses in customer service.

In linguistics, text blocks are linguistic units that are commonly used in identical or similar form to connect sentences or paragraphs together. They are characterized by their ease of memorability and can be used regardless of the context. Examples include words such as "Sincerely " or " It is striking ".

In the contrastive linguistics, a juxtaposition of text blocks of two languages ​​allows another simple observations about the relationship of languages. Because of their schematic form text modules are in turn the basis for AutoText entries in the computer-aided translation.

Boilerplate denotes a constant block of text usually at the end of a text, usually in the context of programming or media releases.

Using social media is another form of text modules has been established: a virtual text block. This is a prefabricated landing pages (" Landing Page " ), on which there are information that can be sent in case of need by e -mail. You can be both informative, as are also used for advertising, in order to send the desired information to the addressee, without having to re-write again and again. The pre-filled information may also include information videos, links to other pages and contact forms in addition to text information.
