Bol (music)

A Bol is a syllable, which can be understood as a musical hint or part of a note language. Bol takes place mainly in the northern Indian music use and roughly corresponds to the Konnakol (also Solkattu, tamil ) of South India and is similar to the Japanese Kuchi shoga.

A Bol is a part of the rhythmic construct Tala, as Bol but can also be understood the whole, several hundred years old grade language system of the Hindustani tradition. The word originates from the Hindi word bolna, which means " Talk ".


These musical ( mnemonic ) syllables come in different Indian drums used. The drums Pakhawaj, tabla and mridangam are traditionally taught in the Bol - system, it is most commonly associated with the tabla. Likewise Bols belong to the most played in the North Indian folk music drums like the Dhol, Nagara or Chande.

The variety of different musical styles ( Gharanas ) of India, the technical implementation of Bol on the drum of the region or the style of play depends. It is therefore impossible to carry out a very accurate assignment of syllables to a particular technology or a particular shock or a set of punch combinations. Especially in writing reaches the system of Bols for this reason, not the accuracy of the classical European grading system.

By Bols, the player must be listed in a position prior to the implementation on the drum the appropriate composition or improvisation in the rhythmic chanting of the syllable language. In virtuoso form, this actually sounds like a linguistic version of rhythm play. The skillful, sometimes rapid verbalization of rhythms is to be regarded not only as a mnemonic approach, but is also independent musical expression and art form.

Examples of syllable language

Syllables and their correspondence as a blow on the tabla

  • Ghin or Ga - A resonating, unabgedämpfter blow the tip of the index finger of the left hand or the middle and ring finger of the right hand on the bayan (bass drum).
  • Khat - with a powerful blow with the fingers of the right hand, outstretched hand on the Dayan ( smaller drum ).
  • Ki or Ka - abgedämpfter blow the left hand flat on the Bayan. The wrist rests while running already on the Bayan fur.
  • Na, Ta ​​- A Flageolettschlag with the index finger of the right hand on the edge of the Dayan.
  • Ne - Often a abgedämpfter impact of the index finger of the right hand on the Dayan.
  • Re - A non- resonant, percussive beat of the middle finger of the right hand on the Dayan.
  • Ti or Te - Two identical sounding beats, only once with the middle finger and once with the index finger of the right hand on the Dayan. Takes place in quick succession using in eddies, slow to emphasize the drama of the game.
  • Tin - A light, resonating blow with the index finger of the right hand on the Dayan.
  • Tr - A Flam, delayed follow- blow of the right hand.
  • Tun - An open, strong beat of the index finger of the right hand on the Dayan.

Syllables with meaning as punch combinations and synonyms

  • Dha - A combination of Ga and Ta
  • Dhe - Is a combination of Ga and Te or a different combination of Ga and a different beat of the right hand.
  • Gha - Meets Ga.
  • Ghe - Meets Ga.
  • Ke - Meets Ka
  • Ki - Meets Ka
  • Kin - Meets in most cases Ka
  • Well - Used as a synonym for Ne and Na.
  • The - A combination of Ka and Te or a combination of Ga and another shock of the right hand.
  • Thun - Meets doing
  • Ti - Often used as a synonym for Tin.
  • Re Ti Ki Ta - Example of a common vertebrate combination.
  • Tu - Meets doing