
Peumus boldus

The Boldo ( Peumus boldus ) is a plant which belongs to the family of Monimiengewächse ( Monimiaceae ).


Peumus boldus is reached an evergreen shrub or small tree growing to heights of 6 m. The leaves are ovate, entire, leathery and brittle.

The flowers are arranged in racemose inflorescences. The strongly scented flowers are white or yellow. The berries are small and yellowish- green.


Peumus boldus is adapted to dry climates. She is originally from Chile. However, this species occurs wild in the Mediterranean region, especially in North Africa before.


The wood is utilized.

Boldo leaves are used in the Peruvian, Argentine and Chilean folk medicine as a medicinal plant, among other things, against gastrointestinal complaints. The plant has an antispasmodic and stimulates the secretion of bile in the liver cells. Boldo leaves can be used as a spice or tea, for example, in mate tea. They contain, among other alkaloids (mainly Boldin ), 1,8- cineole and ascaridol.

Pictures of Boldo
