Boletus pinophilus

Pine bolete (Boletus pinophilus )

The pine or Rothütige cep (Boletus pinophilus ) is a mushroom in the genus Boletus.

  • 5.1 Literature
  • 5.2 Notes and references


The Pine bolete forming large fruiting bodies with Hutdurchmessern of 8-25, in exceptional cases up to 30 cm and 4-12 cm long, 2-6 cm thick stems. The hat is hemispherical to cushion -shaped and remains in old specimens usually strongly arched, its color ranges from dark reddish brown to purplish, the marginal zone is smooth and wavy - wrinkled, rarely white. The tubes are initially white and quickly with increasing maturity yellow and later green yellow. The thick, bulbous stem is nut - brown to reddish, straight-grained, covering the stem of the fine mesh is whitish at the arm end, including light brownish. The flesh is white, under the Hutoberseite occasionally reddish wine, not discoloring at break or at the cut edge and without special odor.


Like all species of the genus Boletus is the pine bolete a mycorrhizal fungus that is associated with pines, very rarely finds are reported under spruce. He settled pine forests or forests where pines are interspersed, it requires nutrient-poor, acidic to neutral, sandy, dry to moderately fresh soils. Although individual specimens relatively early in the year can already be found (as of June ), the Hauptfruktifikationszeit is in early autumn.


The Pine bolete is distributed from Mediterranean to boreal areas and is found in Europe, Siberia and North America, in Mexico, the species has been introduced. Whether the findings from North Africa belong to a closely related species is unclear. In Europe, the species is distributed from the south to Finland, the main distribution areas are in the south.

Conservation aspects

As a type of pine forests of pine bolete is currently apparently not threatened, although he found only scattered, potentially, the input of nitrogen compounds endanger the species in the forests. Like all members of the genus Boletus is the style in Germany protected and may only be collected in small quantities for personal use.


The Pine bolete is a popular edible mushroom.

