Bolivarian Intelligence Service

The Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia de los Servicios y Prevención (Spanish: National Directorate of Intelligence and Defense, DISIP ) was the leading secret of Venezuela.

It was created under the presidency of Rafael Caldera on March 19, 1969 on the basis of Decree N ° 15 Ejecutivo in succession the Dirección General de Policía ( DIGEPOL ). The DISIP was responsible for internal security and was subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior. Since October 2009, the DISIP the Arab- Venezuelan -born Tarek El Aissami faced as Minister of the Interior and Justice. DISIP officers had black uniforms or civilian clothes and drove yellow and black cars. On 4 December 2009 announced President Hugo Chávez, which will operate the DISIP since that day under the name Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional Bolivarian ( Sebin ).

Massacre Cantaura

On 4 October 1982, it came in the northeastern Anzoategui Küstendepartamento near the small town Cantaura between special units of the army, the air force and secret police agents DISIP to fights with the former Maoist guerrilla movement Bandera Roja Frente Americo Silva (BR- FAS). In the battles 23 guerrillas were killed, eleven of them showed signs of torture shots in the neck and on.
