Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan – Turkey)

The Bolşevik Parti ( Kuzey Kürdistan - Türkiye) (BP (KK T )) ( German: Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan - Turkey), BP ( NK - T); Kurdish: Partiya Bolşewîk ( Bakurê Kurdistanê - Tirkiye ), PB (BK - T) ) is a Turkish-Kurdish communist Party.

The party advocates the international revolutionary overthrow of the " imperialist system " and fights for the realization of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It is therefore based on the ideas of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin and Stalin; especially their practical implementation in the People's Republics of China under Mao and Albania under Enver Hoxha. The main objective of the organization is communism. The party is banned in Turkey, but is not associated with violence.

Organizational structure

The BP ( NK -T) consists of two sections: the Bolshevik Party of Turkey and the Bolshevik Party Northern Kurdistan.


The TKP / ML was founded in 1972 by İbrahim Kaypakkaya. Your story as well as the BP (NK -T) is characterized by numerous divisions. The BP ( NK -T) introduces himself in the tradition of their assessed Kaypakkayas and his revolutionary politics.

In March 1981 ( " I. Bolshevik Congress ") was on its first congress, the predecessor organization of the party that founded the TKP / ML ( Bolşevik ), as a splinter group of the TKP / ML ( Partizan).

In February 1982, the Second Congress of the TKP / ML ( Bolşevik ) took place. In the same year, one at the TKP / ML ( Partizan) oriented organization split called " Spartacus ", consisting of members of foreign organizations of the TKP / ML ( Bolşevik ), by the party from. During this time, " the ideological-political struggle with the siblings and organizations within the party " for the organization was according to own data determinative.

1984 several members of the then TKP / ML ( Bolşevik ) were arrested by the Turkish authorities. This is considered by the organization as a heavy defeat in party building.

The third party congress in early 1986 completed the development of tactics for party building. He sat in front of all the intraparty work on the agenda, which led to conflicts within the organization and another, resulting split again for the former period. The produced organization " Mücadele Bayrağı " ( " flag of struggle " ) broke up two years later.

The IV Congress 1990 mainly dealt with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the national Kurdish and Armenian questions as well as questions of the struggle for the protection of the environment.

The Fifth Congress of the TKP / ML ( Bolşevik ), which took place in early 1994, decided some tactical changes in party building and theoretical work as well as the change in the party 's name in its present form. The Congress passed the gradual dissolution of the foreign organizations of the party in the assessed as revolutionary parties of the respective countries.

The IX. Congress of BP North Kurdistan -Turkey adopted a party program.


The BP ( NK -T) published an organ name Bolşevik Partizan (BP).


The BP ( NK -T) belongs together with 40 other organizations, including the Marksist Leninist Parti komünist Türkiye / Kuzey Kürdistan and Türkiye İhtilalci Komünistler BİRLİGİ, one of the founding members of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations ( ICOR ), on 6 October was founded in 2010.

In Germany, the successor group of former international organization of BP ( NK -T) approximately quarterly journal Trotzalledem! Newspaper for the construction of the Bolshevik Party of Germany published.
