Bond event

Bond events are Holocene climate variability in the North Atlantic region with a period of 1470 ± 500 years.


The climate changes were introduced in 1997 by its first describer, the Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University belonging Gerard C. Bond, in the scientific literature. His results were based on studies of petrological Treibeismarkern the North Atlantic.


A total of eight Bond events could be eliminated. You may be the counterpart of the glacial -interglacial Dansgaard - Oeschger events. The strength of the fluctuations is approximately 15-20% of the glacial - interglacial temperature changes.

The existence of climatic variation with a possible 1500 - year cycle is now recognized on the basis of ice cores for the last glacial. A continuation of these cycles in the Holocene is less secure. Bond et al ( 1997) advocate a cyclical nature of climate events with a period of 1470 ± 500 years for the North Atlantic region during the Holocene. In their view, all, Dansgaard - Oeschger events a 1500 - year cycle are many, possibly subject and subsequent events such as the Little Ice Age, the Misox fluctuation and the beginning of the Younger Dryas seem to submit to the same rhythm.

The periods of frequent drift ice and iceberg sediments correlate apparent in the last 9000 years, with abrupt downturns in the Asian monsoon. Moreover, they seem to agree in the last 55000 years of drought in the Middle East, and this is valid both for Heinrich events and Bond events. Further, in all of North America, many signs of change in plant communities, which roughly follow also a 1500 - year cycle.

Reasons still unknown, the only clearly pronounced Holocene Bond event is the Misox variation; it shows in ice cores from Greenland a very clear temperature signal.

The 1500 - year cycle shows nonlinear characteristics, and stochastic resonance; this means that not every event with an outstanding climate event is identical, only some actually occur as such environmental history clearly to the fore.

The causes and determinants of the 1500 - year cycle are currently under investigation, said research is continuing its main attention to variations in the solar constant and shifts in atmospheric circulation. Maybe the Bond events are also available with a 1,800 -year oceanic tidal cycle in context.

List of Bond events

Most Bond events have no clear climate signal - so drop some along with cooling phases but others correlate regional basis with drought periods.
