Bone tumor

A bone tumor is a well - (benign) or malignant ( malignant) tumor of the bone.


The bone tumors can be fundamentally divided into two categories:

Osseous bone tumors

These tumors start from the osteoclasts or osteoblasts. Benign bone tumors grow slowly, displacing and move from no metastases.

  • Osteoma, benign, occurring almost exclusively in the sinuses occurs when Gardner 's syndrome
  • Enostom, also called " Kompaktainsel " or bone Iceland, accumulation cortical bone in the medullary cavity
  • Osteoid osteoma: relatively frequent, small tumor on the bone edge
  • Osteoblastoma: similar to osteoid osteoma, but larger and often in vertebrae
  • Osteosarcoma: the most common malignant bone tumor with extremely aggressive growth and early metastasis

Cartilaginous tumors

  • Osteochondroma or cartilaginous exostosis, Ekchondrom: most common benign bone tumor
  • Chondroma (or enchondroma ): cartilaginous, often on hands and feet
  • Chondroblastoma: rare in children at the terminal ( epiphyseal ) growth plates of long bones
  • Chondromyxoides fibroma: semimalignant rare tumor
  • Chondrosarcoma: cartilage surfaces starting, malignant

Connective tissue tumors

These primary tumors start from the connective tissue of the bone matrix. They are called Knochenfibrome.

  • Non- ossifying fibroma or Nichtossifizierendes bone fibroma, usually in the metaphysis, may regress spontaneously, benign
  • Ossifizierndes bone fibroma also Osteofibrom, mostly in the jaw bone
  • Desmoplastic bone fibroma can occur anywhere and tends to recur, semi-malignant
  • Knochenfibrosarkom, rare malignancy, this tumor histologically identical to the Weichteilfibrosarkomen

Histiocytic bone tumors

  • Benign fibrous histiocytoma rare, the histiocytoma in soft tissue is more common
  • Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
  • Osteoclastoma also known as giant cell tumor of bone, the only addition to the primary chondroblastoma, epiphyseal, lytic bone tumor of the long bones may be semi-malignant, third-degree osteoclastomas are always sinister

Osteomyelogene tumors

These hazards arising from the bone marrow cavity tumors originate from either precursor cells of the plasma cell or undifferentiated.

  • Plasmacytoma synonymous multiple myeloma, plasma cells originating from disease with involvement of the bone, malignant
  • Ewing 's sarcoma: from the bone marrow space, starting, according to the WHO definition: PAS positive without fiber formation, malignant

Bone metastases

Similar bone tumor Erkankungen

  • Juvenile ( solitary ) bone cyst: single cave formation with fluid accumulation
  • Aneurysmal bone cyst: multiple cavity formation in long bones and flat bones such as pelvis and vertebrae
  • Fibrous dysplasia or " Osteofibrosis deformans juvenilis Uehlinger ", " Jaffe - Lichtenstein syndrome "