Book of Optics

Treasure of the optics (Arabic كتاب المناظر, DMG Kitaab al - Manazir, latin Opticae thesaurus: Arabis libri septem Alhazeni, nuncprimum editi; Eiusdem liber De Crepusculis et Nubium ascensionibus, Item Vitellonis Thuringopoloni libri X ) is one of the Arab scholar Alhazen ( 965 - 1039 / 1040 ) wrote seven-volume work in which, among others, optical, physical and meteorological issues are discussed. Partially it is based on older writings and views of Greek philosophers, but also contains numerous revolutionary new theories of Alhazen The book itself was the end of the twelfth century, translated from Arabic into Latin and thus made available to the Western world. In 1572 it was printed by Friedrich Risner. It had a large influence on the medieval science and is considered a starting point for the development of modern optics.


  • Literature ( 11th century )
  • Literature ( Arabic)
  • Literature (Physics)
  • Golden Age of Islam