Boquete, Chiriquí

8.7833 - 82.4331124Koordinaten: 8 ° 47 'N, 82 ° 26' W

The small town of Bajo Boquete is located in the province of Chiriquí in the district of Boquete Panama and the Central American country is often referred to simply as Boquete. It is 40 km from Davíd and 480 kilometers from the capital. The town has about 6,200 inhabitants (calculated 2006).

Culture and economy

Every year in January or February in Bajo Boquete Feria de las Flores y del Cafe instead, which also attracts many tourists. In April, the orchids are celebrated with the Festival de las Orquidias. Bajo Boquete is mainly famous for the coffee, the flowers ( orchids, roses, chrysanthemums, etc.) and strawberries in the mild mountain climate (about 1200 m) are grown. The coffee beans Boquete's supposed to be the best in the country. Other important crops include onions, potatoes, carrots, lettuce and beetroot.


Bajo Boquete is one of the most famous tourism cities of Panama. The average annual temperature is 20 ° and makes for a very pleasant climate, falls almost daily against the early evening a little rain has accompanied by a slight breeze and get in its regularity even has a name: Bajareque ( fine drizzle ). Since the climate is pleasant and the atmosphere is slightly sleepy, Bajo Boquete is now chosen more and more by European and American immigrants as a retirement home.

Numerous accommodations and restaurants offer the chance to spend more time there. A hiking trail leads to many coffee fields and farms, past, but also shows the rather poor as right working and living conditions of the (almost always Indian ) workers and their families.

  • Place in Panama
  • Chiriquí Province