Borgo Giuseppino

The Borgo Giuseppino is a neighborhood in the center of the northern Italian city of Trieste, which was built in the late 18th century, Emperor Joseph II. After Borgo Teresiano the quarter is the second example of the planned expansion of the city. Together with the districts of Borgo Teresiano Barricade Nuova, San Vito and Città Vecchia is the Borgo Giuseppino today the administrative district 4 ( circoscrizione IV) of the municipality of Trieste.


The name Borgo Giuseppino (Joseph suburbs ) is derived from the name of Joseph II.

Location and structure

The Borgo Giuseppino located southeast of the city of Trieste and extends a hand from the main square Piazza Unità d' Italia to the Campo Marzio, and secondly from the waterfront to Piazza Attilio Hortis. Center of the district is Piazza Venezia.

The district has a cross-shaped structure and consists of uni-directional roads that meet at right angles.

Contrary to Teresian Borgo, which was primarily designed as a trade center, the Borgo Giuseppino smaller and primarily influenced by public buildings and places.


The area east of the Piazza Grande was until the mid-18th century outside the city walls. For the most part owned by various religious communities, the area was dedicated to the Holy Martyrs (Italian Santi Martyrs ). When Joseph II in Austria from 1782, the liberalization of many monasteries prompted that were unproductive in the economic sense of ownership of the local religious communities 1785-1788 was expropriated by the Austrian state and parts of the monasteries were demolished. Only the Church of Beata Vergine del Soccorso in today's Piazza Attilio Hortis remained.

The areas had been used by Joseph II, to continue the started under his mother Maria Theresia planned expansion of the city and thus to promote the economic and demographic development of Trieste. 1788 has started with the construction of the new district, which was in honor of the emperor initially called Città Giuseppina and later received the name of Borgo Giuseppino (Joseph suburb ).

Important buildings and places

  • Beata Vergine del Soccorso: Catholic church in Piazza Attilio Hortis originating from the 13th century
  • Molo Sartorio
  • Palazzo Biserini: spectacular building on the Piazza Attilio Hortis from the 19th century, in which public bodies such as the Biblioteca Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis and the Municipal Museum of Natural History Museo di Storia Naturale are housed
  • Palazzo Revoltella: former city palace of Pasquale Revoltella at Piazza Venezia, which today is the same Gallery of Modern Art
  • Is the former home of the Sartorio family, housed in the now the Museum Sartorio: Villa Sartorio