Boris Kerner

Boris S. Kerner ( born 1947 in Moscow) is the founder of the much discussed three phase traffic theory.

Life and work

Boris S. Kerner is a leading expert in intelligent distributed traffic systems and the theory of dissipative structure formation in physical, chemical and biological systems. He was born in 1947 in Moscow, Soviet Union, and graduated in 1972 his studies at the Technical University of Moscow MIREA. He received his Ph.D. in 1979 at the Russian Academy of Sciences in physics and mathematics and his habilitation in 1986. Between 1972 and 1992 he worked on the physics of semiconductors, plasma and solid state physics. During this time, Boris Kerner developed together with V. V. Osipov a comprehensive theory of Autosolitonen - individual intrinsic states, which form a large class of physical, chemical and biological dissipative systems.

After emigrating from Russia to Germany in 1992, Boris Kerner worked at Daimler AG in Stuttgart. His main interests since the understanding of traffic on highways. The experience helped Autosolitonen B. S. Kerner to revolutionize the understanding as well as the theory and modeling of road traffic. Empirical spatial-temporal characteristics of the traffic, which were understood by Boris Kerner, form the basis for the Kernersche Three -phase traffic theory. In the years 2000-2013 B. S. Kerner was the head of the academic field transport at Daimler AG. From the University of Duisburg -Essen Boris Kerner was awarded on April 6, 2011, the title Adjunct Professor. After his retirement at Daimler AG on January 31, 2013, Prof. Kerner works at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
