
Common skin beetles ( Dermestes lardarius )

Bostrichoidea is the only superfamily of partial order Bostrichiformia within the beetle suborder Polyphaga.


The presumed autapomorphy that is different from the closely related partial order Derodontiformia the group of spherical head and directed obliquely downward - back ( hypognathen ) mouthparts of the larvae. The types of Bostrichiformia her head is more flattened and the mouthparts are above ( prognathous ).

Autapomorphies of Bostrichoidea without the bacon beetle ( Dermestidae ) are the " C" shaped, made -like larvae, formed by an enlarged, rounded ninth abdominal segment end, in the complete absence of the tenth segment. The autapomorphies, which are the Cucujiformia delimit both the Bostrichoidea, as well as the Derodontoidea the non-functional Tracheenöffnungen on the eighth abdominal segment, the ommatidia of the compound eyes with open Rhabdomen and the " cucujuforme " ( ring or sheath-shaped ) aedeagus.

Dissemination and lifestyle

The bacon beetle borer ( Bostrichidae ) and furniture beetles ( Ptinidae ) are spread worldwide, only the Endecatomidae are limited in their distribution to the Holarctic.

Taxonomy and systematics

Although there were previously work that suggested a taxon that included the old group of Teredilia and Dermestidae, but Roy Crowson was the first of and the partial order Bostrichiformia consisting of the superfamily Dermestoidea ( Derodontidae, Nosodendridae, Jacobsoniidae and Dermestidae ) Bostrichoidea ( Bostrichidae and Ptinidae ) suggested in his works from the years 1955, 1959 and 1960. In subsequent work, this concept has been retained, although the relationships were adopted very different within this taxon.

Under the assumption that the Bostrichoidea represent a sister group of the Cucujiformia, as also suggested Crowson in his published work in 1955, the establishment of Derodontiformia for the families Derodontidae, Nosodendridae and Jacobsoniidae is mandatory for the monophyly of these groups.

The following families of Bostrichoidea therefore be attributed to:

  • Bacon beetle ( Dermestidae ) Latreille, 1804
  • Borer ( Bostrichidae ) Latreille, 1802
  • Furniture Beetle ( Ptinidae ) Latreille, 1802

